In business, there are lots of times when you need to tell someone something they don't like to hear. I am blunt, straight forward, and to the point. I struggled in this class. It was the hardest class I ever took. I passed with a B... the lowest grade I ever received in college.
It never occurred to me that teacher's don't take this class although we could certainly use it! I know I use it all the time!! So today, I thought I would teach it too all of you.
It's Pea-nut But-ter Jelly Time!
(just pretend I am rapping/singing it cuz its stuck in my head that way)
You have seen the video haven't you??
If not, here's your chance to be annoyed.
My sons have been banned from?
singing this ever again!
There is an ice cream and cake version...
Anyway... we were talking about PBJ and spinach not annoying songs. That is the formula for parent communications. 2 compliments... the bad thing you really want to share... and another compliment.?
Peanut Butter
Compliment #1... is just like smooth creamy peanut butter. It is simplistic in nature, easily seen by anyone who has ever meet the person. For example, Johnny comes to school every day impeccably dressed. His hair is always parted perfectly. Even his desk and backpack are always in perfect order. Or Susan walks into every classroom with a smile on her face eager to see what the day holds in store.?
Compliment #2.... is just like sticky, sweet jelly. A little sappy, a little over the top as all parents (persons want to be complimented. For example, Johnny wit and knowledge on a wide variety of subjects enhances our daily discussions exponentially. Or Susan is just the sweetest doll and so helpful, I just don't know how I will do without her in my class.?
The Negative.... the thing that you really wanted to say this whole time. It's like finding spinach in your sandwich. It's disgusting! You don't want to talk about, its the elephant in the room.. but it has to be said. Despite following our classroom plan, Johnny continues to exhibit difficulties with Jose. The name calling has escalated to a point where we now need your help to resolve this issue. Susan is continual interrupting the class with her humor and wit thus not allowing the other students to learn. I need your assistance in curtailing future interruptions.
Compliment #3.... Wrap up the whole thing in a nice warm piece of homemade bread fresh from the oven. I truly love having Johnny in my class and I know with this minor change his true loving nature will pour forth. Susan is so beautiful and talented. Decreasing her need for speaking will allow her to become a the brilliant brain surgery I know she is destined to become.
So there ya have it... one disgusting sandwich making lesson you will never forget. And it comes in handy too. What method do you use for sharing bad news with parents?9 days and counting....

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